Scoreboard Proxy Setup

Configuring CRG and WSProxy to send your
live scoreboard data to the Remote Studio.


This is a method to send data from your live  CRG Rollerderby Scoreboard instance to another remote instance via the internet. There is no impact to your operation of CRG for your derby game. The Remote Studio receives a copy of your scoreboard data live and we use this to display the CRG broadcast overlay (teams, score, clocks, etc) in the broadcast.

CRG Derby Scoreboard is in common use by many teams/leagues:

WSProxy is developed by community member JestHer and available to the public:



This installation process can be performed and tested anytime, anywhere. We highly recommend that you perform this installation and test well prior to your game and from the comfort of your own home if able. This setup process is not difficult or very time consuming, but it does require following some steps that may be difficult under the pressures of preparing for a game in a hectic venue.

After you've perform the setup, contact the show director to schedule a connection test. The studio's proxy scoreboard is not always on/available for testing; a connection test should be arranged.


Instructions for installing WSProxy on the scoreboard computer used for your games. WSProxy installs along side CRG.

This guide assumes you have already installed CRG Derby Scoreboard on your computer and are familiar with operating the CRG scoreboard. If CRG is not already installed, follow the CRG instructions for installation. A detailed guide to operating the CRG Scoreboard is available in the CRG Scoreboard Wiki.

This guide provides more details on the WSProxy setup process than is available on github. It also specifies the process for sending your scoreboard data directly to the Quad Media Remote Studio. 

NOTE 1: CRG Derby Scoreboard version matters! Please let the studio know what version of the scoreboard you’re running prior to connecting the proxy. We have tested and utilized CRG versions 4 and 5 with the WSProxy. Both 4 & 5 work but the studio must be running the same version that you're operating.

NOTE 2: Your Studio Assignment matters! Your games may be produced in Studio 1, 2, or 3 and the WSProxy must be configured to point to the appropriate studio. Connect with the broadcast technical director assigned to your show before proceeding.

Install Method 1 (easy)

Use this method for a fresh instance of CRG Scoreboard + WSProxy already configured to send to WFTDA Remote Studio. This is the quickest method to get set up but forces you to use the version of CRG contained in the download. If you need to use a different version of CRG or you've already entered your game info (team names & rosters), do not use this method.

After both CRG and WSProxy have been launched, verify with the studio that they are receiving your scoreboard connection.

NOTE: Mac OSX and Linux users see specific instructions for running the scoreboard and proxy in the Troubleshooting section at the bottom of this page.

Install Method 2 (moderate)

Use this method to add WSProxy to your existing installation of CRG. If you run an older version of CRG, this is the best method. If you've already entered team names and rosters and don't wish to reinstall CRG, this is the best method for adding WSProxy.

After both CRG and WSProxy have been launched, verify with the studio that they are receiving your scoreboard connection.

NOTE: Mac OSX and Linux users see specific instructions for running the scoreboard and proxy in the Troubleshooting section at the bottom of this page.

Install Method 3 (advanced)

Use this method only if you are comfortable making config.ini changes to customize CRG and WSProxy setup. This method should not be necessary for most Remote Studio shows.

Use 1 of the 3 options below to make the necessary changes to the config.ini file.

Option A - Download Pre-Configured

You may download a pre-configured config.ini file with from the Studio (link provided by Technical Director). Replace the original config.ini file (copied into the CRG directory in Step 2) with this one. 

Option B - Copy/Paste

You can copy/paste the contents of the box below to replace the entire contents of config.ini file. Open the config.ini in a text edit, delete the entire contents of the file, then copy/paste this into it:

# What host/post to listen on for HTTP.


# Where the CRG Scoreboard is that we should connect to. If this is not given,

# then we must have another proxy push to us.


# If given, push WS updates to this proxy.


Option C - text editor

Only use this method if you're comfortable with modifying a text config file.

Open the config.ini file in any text editor.

Make these changes:

After both CRG and WSProxy have been launched, verify with the studio that they are receiving your scoreboard connection.

NOTE: Mac OSX and Linux users see specific instructions for running the scoreboard and proxy in the Troubleshooting section at the bottom of this page.

Confirming Connection

If the Remote Studio’s proxy scoreboard is running, you should see the lines:

"Push connection made"

"Listener has dialed connection"

This confirms that we’re receiving your scoreboard feed and any changes you make will be reflected in the studio.

CRG instance (left) and loaded/operating WSProxy (right)

 CRG Broadcast Overlay Configuration

The Remote Studio has no ability to change your CRG configuration or game state. That means it's up to the game day scoreboard operator to properly set up the game information as well as the Broadcast Overlay we use during the broadcast.

There are 3 key elements we're concerned with:

The scoreboard operator can adjust these items in the Overlay Admin Page. A link to Overlay Admin is available on the CRG Dashboard or can be accessed directly with this url: http://localhost:8000/views/overlay/admin/

A video overview of how the Overlay Admin Page operates is available at

Time to Derby

Your Time to Derby clock is used by the Remote Studio and visible to the broadcast audience to know when the game is starting (or coming back from break). Please ensure that your clock is accurate when counting down to the start of the game and during halftime.

CRG's Halftime clock defaults to 15 minutes. If your halftime is shorter or longer, please adjust.

The countdown to Next Game defaults to 60 minutes. In a multi-game broadcast event, please update this clock to reflect the true time to the start of the next game.

Setting Time to Derby

Method 1:
In the Intermission box: double click on the time. You will see Start and Stop buttons that allow you to start the Time to Derby Clock.
You may want to set the time in MM:SS format first, otherwise it'll be 24 hours! (1440 mins) - eg, if it's 15 mins to Derby enter 15:00.

Method 2:
If you are uploading a Statsbook file with players etc, set the game Date and Start time. Then when you choose that game, as long as the start time hasn't passed, it will automatically set Time to Derby.

Method 3:
Start a new game using preloaded teams (eg Black VS White etc) provides a prompt to set the start time.  This will automatically start the Time to Derby clock.

Team Names

The team name can be independently assigned in the Overlay Admin Page. This way the in-venue scoreboard and the broadcast scoreboard may show different names.

Each team name should be short enough to fit within the overlay and not overrun/crop. This may have to be shortened from the team name entered in the scoreboard.

The team names should reflect the team playing in a way that a remote audience understands who they are. Abbreviating the team name or using the league/city name in place of the team name is discouraged.

Colors: Background and Foreground

Team colors should be assigned in the Overlay Admin Page. The Background (BG) color appears on the left side of the score overlay and behind the jammer's name during the jam. The Foreground (FG) color determines the color for the jammer's name during the jam. The FG & BG color for each team should be contrasting so that the jammer's name is legible. Choosing the same color for FG & BG results in the jammer's name being invisible.

Critical Note:  The FG color defaults to WHITE. Selecting a white BG value and leaving the FG blank will result in an invisible jammer name.
Even though the FG/BG boxes appear grey, their default values are white FG, grey BG.

Background color should match the jersey color of the players. This helps the broadcast audience identify which team is wearing which color.

Example of a team name that is too long and a jammer name that is invisible because the FG and BG are both white

Example of properly assigned team names and FG/BG values

Logos and Sponsor Banners

No images are automatically sent from your CRG Scoreboard to the Remote Studio. The WSProxy is not capable of file transmission.

The default Broadcast Overlay does not feature logos or sponsor elements.

If you wish to include logos and sponsor elements in the broadcast, please send them to the Remote Studio director.


Java Required

If your computer has not previously operated as a derby scoreboard, you may be required to install Java in order for the CRG Scoreboard program to operate. Please see the Software Requirements section of the CRG documentation:

If nothing happens when you run scoreboard-Windows.exe it is likely because Java is not installed on your computer.

Antivirus and Windows Defender

Both the CRG Scoreboard and WSProxy executables may be flagged by your system's antivirus or other security options. Please make sure you allow the programs to run.

Click the "More info" link to show options.

After clicking "More info" you will see the option to "Run anyway"


Both CRG and WSProxy utilize network protocols to communicate. They must be allowed to communicate over the local network and your internet connection. Please ensure that neither service is blocked by a firewall.

If prompted, tick both checkboxes then click to "Allow access"

Linux Installation

Launching the scoreboard (first time):

chmod u+x


Launching the Proxy:

chmod 755 wsproxy-linux-amd64


Apple - Mac OSX Installation

You must use Terminal to chmod and launch the Scoreboard and the Proxy app. This requires 2 Terminal windows.

OSX Launch Scoreboard

In Terminal navigate to the scoreboard directory. In this example the scoreboard bundle is on the Desktop:

cd desktop/Remote_Studio_crg-proxy_Bundle_Studio2

Use this command to change the permissions of the scoreboard binary:

chmod 755

Then use this command to launch the scoreboard:


Now the scoreboard is running in this Terminal window. Leave this terminal window open.

When the scoreboard is running, the terminal will display this.

OSX Launch Proxy

Open a new Terminal window. Navigate to the scoreboard directory again:

cd desktop/Remote_Studio_crg-proxy_Bundle_Studio2

Use this command to change the permissions of the proxy binary:

chmod 755 wsproxy-darwin-amd64

Your wsproxy-darwin-amd64 binary icon should now change from white to black like this:

Then use this command to launch the proxy:


Now the proxy is running in this Terminal window. Leave this terminal window open.

"Push connection made" indicates that your proxy is connected to the studio.